We’re about go into the last month of 2020, and even though many of us would like to get into the new year as fast as we can, December offers up the opportunity to beef up your process safety training with five great online course offerings from Process Improvement Institute!
Human Error Prevention (12/7-12/8)
This course will provide insights into current knowledge of human error and how it can be reduced. The course will provide hands-on experience of practical error reduction techniques, using real-life case studies. You will also gain an understanding of the underlying causes of human error and how to reduce its occurrence by changing the culture of the organization and changing the design of the processes. Workshops are used throughout the course to illustrate concepts and to demonstrate human error analysis applications.
Process Safety Management (12/8-12/10)
This course will provide an in-depth study of each PSM element. The course introduces each PSM element and the specific guidelines for integrating PSM element requirements into other company programs and evaluating program compliance throughout the implementation phase. This course also covers how to expand our PSM program to include the RBPS (risk-based process safety) elements as proposed by the CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety), a division of AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). Our course is unique in its in-depth coverage of human factors issues missing from 90% of the implemented PSM programs in the world (and missing from the text of the US OSHA PSM regulation).
Incident Investigation/Root Cause Analysis Leadership (12/9-12/11)
This course teaches how to lead investigations and root cause analyses using various techniques such as Causal Factor Charting, Fault Tree Analysis and Root Cause Charts. This is a “How To” course designed to teach skills. An optional part of the course can include 1 to 2 hours of software instruction.
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) (12/14-12/15)
Are proposed or existing combinations of safeguards enough to prevent an accident or mitigate the consequences? Do you perceive that doing a fully quantitative risk assessment (QRA) would be over-working the problem? Then LOPA (Layer of Protection Analysis) is the new tool you need to learn. Learn from the co-originator of LOPA who is also the primary author of the LOPA textbook (2001) and Guidelines for Independent Protection Layers and Initiating Events (2012).
Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS/SIF/SIL) (12/16-12/17)
Are you involved in determining SIL levels or designing SIS? Do you think that too many SIS (or too high of SIL ratings) are being recommended for your site? Do you just want to understand what SIS are and where they fit in to control risk and how these are specified, designed, installed, and maintained? Do you want to know how human error dominates the ACTUAL performance in the field of installed SIS? Then this is the course for you.
Thank you for considering these courses! Have a terrific holiday season, and please be safe!